The United Nations Global Compact


The United Nations Global Compactis a call to companies and organizations to align their strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles on human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption. It is mandated by the UN to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the private sector.

Since May 2021, Grupo Marco, the business group whom PROMINDSAis part of, has joined to the Global Compact, which expresses our commitment to their ten principles:

  • Principle 1:Companies must support and respect the protection of fundamental human rights, recognized internationally, within their sphere of influence
  • Principle 2: Companies must ensure that their associated companies are not complicit in the violation of Human Rights.
  • Principle 3:Companies must support the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  • Principle 4: Companies must support the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
  • Principle 5: Companies should support the eradication of child labor
  • Principle 6:Companies must support the abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7:Companies must maintain a preventive approach that favors the environment.
  • Principle 8:Companies should encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility.
  • Principle 9:Companies must favor the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10: Companies must work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.


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